National Security Levels

Resource Information
Information on the Chief Director of the Auxiliary Website
District 11NR Information

Auxiliary members wear the AUXOP device instead of the
tanning ribbon, after completing all of the courses below. This
device has a six (6) closed book or proctored test required to complete
that course. Courses maybe taken online at the
national testing center however a proctor is required,
please contact your local FSO-MT for information on your
flotilla's approved proctors. After completing all of the
required courses you membership information will be changed
to/from BQ to AX indicating you are AUXOP qualified.
Reference: Auxiliary Manual - Chapter

Recreational Boating Safety Device recognizes Auxiliarists who support the Auxiliary’s programs and activities
within or
related to the Recreational
Boating Safety (RBS) Program.
The requirements for award of this device are
as follows:
The RBS Award criteria effective 1 January 2010.
This will include the following missions: 10B Speech/Talks 10C
Broadcast Media 10F Print Media 10J COMREL The new 7030H form will
have the details for reporting of the above missions.
Public Education —
Any hours recorded using any of the 04 codes — 1 point per
hour as lead
instructor and 0.5 points per hour as an assistant/aide.
Public Affairs —
Any hours involving l0B — Public Lectures; 10C — Radio/TV
Programs; 10F —
Information/VSC booths. These hours are limited to actual mission hours and do
not include
preparation or travel. 1 point per hour.
Vessel Safety Checks and Vessel Facility Inspections
— 1 point per
vessel examination.
RBS Visitation —
Based upon the number of RBS Program Visits. 1 point per visit.
Legislative Outreach —
Any hours recorded as Federal or State Legislative
Outreach (Codes 65A or
65B). Hours recorded are the face-to-face contact hours and do not include
preparation or travel hours. SCORING—
1 point per hour recorded for Codes 65A or 65B.
State RBS Outreach — Any hours recorded as meetings with a state BLA or state
BLA staff must be
reported as Mission 65C on ANSC Form 7030. Hours recorded are the face-to-face
contact hours
(activity) and do not include preparation or travel hours. Scoring — 1 point per
hour, for Mission 65C,
recorded for BLA and/or BLA staff meetings on ANSC Form 7030.
Members may be credited a maximum of 120 points per
from any combination of the above determinants.
Any member earning 240 points or more, over a period of two
consecutive years,
using the formulas specified above, will be awarded the RBS

Visit the
Marine Safety webpage for more information on the Marine Safety
ribbon and Trident Device. The
program is a good model for the development of your skills and experience
in Marine Safety. We strongly recommend you pursue your Trident qualification.
But remember that the Trident program is only a guide; that your progress in
marine safety will depend on your commitment and dedication to the program.
Moreover, we do not want people to pursue Marine Safety qualifications unless
they intend to remain active in the field, both in support of the Coast Guard
and in training other Auxiliarists.
There are several prerequisites in the Trident program: Introduction to Marine
Safety and Environmental Protection, Initial Indoctrination to Marine Safety,
Incident Command System, and Good Mate. Completion of these courses will provide
you with an excellent foundation in the marine safety area.
There are currently 16 personal qualifications specifically available for Auxiliarists
which will qualify you for the Trident device, along with a number of related
qualifications throughout the marine safety mission area. Additionally, there
are a number of qualifications used by the active duty which are also available
to Auxiliarists. An overview of the principal areas of activity in our district,
along with the Assistant District Staff Officer assigned to assist in advising
and training in the area follows:
AUX-MEESMarine Environmental Education Specialist
AUX-ACP Assistant Contingency Preparedness Specialist
Assistant Harbor Safety Specialist
AUX-MSAMMarine Safety Administrative & Management Specialist
