Vessel Examination Program
January DSO-VE Report
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Kidde Fire Extinguisher Recall
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2017 ML-11 Rev. 04/17 California Boater Card - One Page Handout
Click here
California Boater Card Information
Click here
The Vessel
Safety Check is a
cornerstone of the
Coast Guard's Recreational
Boating Safety program
♦ The
mission of this program is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury,
property damage and environmental impact associated with the use of
boats, through preventive means.
♦ The Vessel
Safety Check is much more than a
compliance-oriented examination.
♦ It
is an opportunity to help educate boaters through a direct face-to-face boating
information exchange.
- PCA (Past Commanders Assoc.) Fair:
January 13 - 14, 2018
Room: TBD
Time: 0730 - 1600
VE workshop
Coast Guard Island, Alameda
MAR 23 - 25, 2018 Grand Sierra Resort Hotel, Reno
- National Safe Boating Week MAY 19 -
25, 2018
0 VSCs on
0% of 2018 Goal

Vessel Safety Checks are recorded on ANSC
7038 and submitted to the FSO-IS for entering into AUXDATA.
AUXINFO is refreshed from AUXDATA. To view a
member's records, click on the photo link below, then click on the
division, and then the flotilla:
Below are two public web addresses for our District public education class
and Vessel Safety Check sites. When you place a "For more information" decal
(like an AVERY 5160) on your literature, please consider adding both of these
addresses to your decal. This will help the boater with important class
descriptions, information on other local flotilla classes, and of course Vessel
Safety Check information and contact help.
National Newsletter, "For Safety's Sake"
V Dept Publication
Qualification Study Opportunities
- Familiarize with
forms below:
ANSC-7003, ANSC-7008, ANSC-7012, ANSC-7038
- Preparation for the exam is
available through VSC Review
- Unit VE training is most successful, such as
district Past Captain's Fair (PCF) classes
- Member Trainer or Instructor may proctor an exam as provided
during a VE class,
- Compete 5 VSCs under
the supervision of a qualified examiner
- Submit
D11NR Form
used to report qualification to FC for forwarding to
Submission order for vessel examiner trainees:
1. VE Form submit 7038 with VE and Trainee VSCs (make sure any additional VSCs over the 5 needed are submitted on a separate Form 7038
in the VE's name only).
2. VE fill out and sign MT-2
3. VE take signed MT-2 to your FC to be signed (or take it to the next flotilla meeting to be signed).
4. VE FAX signed original to DIRAUX at 1.510.437.2728 (keep a copy for your records).
5. No 7038s should be submitted to IS for that trainee until the MT-2 clears and is seen in AUXDATA.
6. Once the MT-2 is in AUXDATA, the trainee is a certified VE. Congratulate them and encourage them to go for their RBS Device!
Note: Paddle craft are excluded from a trainee's qualifying (and re-qualifying) VSCs.
Note: On Form 7038, only non-paddle craft are counted in "Vessel Safety Checks - 91A".
VE two day
classes including exam, are available during the Past
Captains Fair, Coast Guard Island, in February and
August as listed on the
D11NR Calendar...link
Within 5 years, a
re-qualifying examiner needs to perform 2 VSC's with a
qualified examiner who receives the credit. A separate
7038 is to be completed and the MT-2 form is then signed
by the examiner, the FC, and then faxed or mailed to the
DIRAUX office.
In addition, 5 VSC's MUST be performed prior to the end of the calendar year.
- After 5 years, retake
the test and perform 5 VSC's with a qualified examiner.

District Member Recognition Awards
or more |
District Outstanding Achievement Recognition
Website and Flotilla Meeting
or more
Certificate of Recognition at STAR level from the
National Commodore, usually about mid-year after achievement
Flotilla Meeting
or more
National ribbon and miniature medal or
Bronze star for repeat performance through the DIRAUX office
District recognition will be
presented |
Flotilla Meeting
Division COW
240 or more
RBS Device
2 consecutive years OR achieve combination 240 hours with any
of the following: Vessel Safety Check, Public Affairs, Public
Education, Legislative Outreach, State RBS Outreach
Additional National RBS Award
Information |
Division COW
If you have any questions
regarding the District/National Vessel Examiner awards program,
please contact
Mike Lauro DSO-VE

These required materials may be owned by the
individual examiner or supplied by the Flotilla. If supplied by the
Flotilla, the FSO-VE and FSO-MA should be responsible for maintaining and providing
the materials.
For the 2015 composite list of stock items available at the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC)
Click Here
Purchased by individual members or the flotilla.
To buy Click here
1-31042 LARGE
4’x 8”VSC Banner $59.00
2-31044 SMALL
18”x 48”VSC Banner $30.00
3-31043 12”x
30” MAGNETIC VSC sign $25.00
ACCESSORIES The following are NON
uniform components that may be worn in place of the uniform
shirt or ball cap. Prices may have changed.
1-81333 LIGHT
blue VE golf shirt $36.50 until XXL-$39.00
To buy Click here
Tilley Sun Hat $61.00
To buy Click here
Flotilla or Examiner owned
Materials each Vessel Examiner should have in their
personal stock are available from ANSC at NO CHARGE to the
Flotilla and need to be ordered by local FSO/SO-MA or
Flotilla Commander. In addition, the FSO-MA and FSO-VE
should also carry surplus stock.
1-3000 VSC Tri-fold pamphlet
2-3003c 8˝” X 11” VSC Poster
3-3005c CO Decal
4-3006 Federal Requirements Booklet
5-3020 VHF Radio Instruction Placard
6-3026a America’s Waterway Watch Placard
7-3504 VSC Event Poster
1-4063 Marine Pollution
2-4064 Oil Pollution
3-4067 MARPOL Trash
4-7012 VSC form
5-9017 3X5 VSC card
should be maintained
in stock by the examiner
1-MT-2 |
D11NR Qualification and
Re-Certification form. |
2-7003 |
Vessel Facility Inspection form
3-7008 |
PWC Facility Inspection form
4-2001 |
16796.8-Vessel Safety Check
Manual |
5-ML-1 |
Trash Disposal Plan
Information is available from
local state boating law administrator and may be ordered in
limited quantities by individuals or in volume by
the FSO-MA:
Examiner owned: Clipboards come in many styles and price
ranges. Clipboards should have at least one storage compartment
to hold spare forms, decals, etc. Clipboards may be purchased at
Staples, Office Max, Office Depot, etc. and vary in price from
$10.00 for plastic to $30.00 for a multi-compartmented aluminum.
Additional supplies are available at
various other boating safety organizations such as BOAT/US or
The National Safe Boating Council. There may be a charge for
materials and shipping and handling. Each state may have
additional promotional materials available only thru the FSO-MA.
Check with your FSO-MA or local state boating law administer for
possible prices and shipping or handling charge.
Keep current,
visit D11NR Vessel Examiner Web Site often
If you wish additional
information on the VE website, please contact
Mike Lauro

should be kept of ALL documents)
D11NR Form, member completes, FC signs and submits to DIRAUX
Vessel Facility Examination and Offer for Use: Submit
annually to DIRAUX
Vessel Facility Examination and Offer for Use: Submit
annually to DIRAUX (local copy Rev 06-11)
PWC Facility Examination and Offer for Use: Submit annually
7066 Commercial Fishing
Vessel Examination
Vessel Safety Check: Present to boater and retain a copy
Sport Utility Boat Safety Check Form
(kayaks, canoes, rowboats, paddlecraft)
Activity Report Vessel Examination: Submit to IS Officer and
retain a copy.
Note that Form ANSC 7038 has changed.
Paddlecraft are NOT to be included in the High Focus column.
Continue to place the following vessels in the High Focus column:
PWC, < 16 feet excluding PWC, 16 - 25 feet
Rental Vendor Instructions
Rental Vendor Instruction Letter
Rental Vendor Agreement
Trash Disposal Plan
Paddlecraft ID Labels (does not work with ink jet printer)
AveryŽ White WeatherProof™ Labels for Laser Printers 15513, 2" x 4",
Pack of 100 These are WeatherProof™ White Labels that stand up to the
toughest weather and temperature conditions and repel water and moisture.
They also resist scuffs, tears and smudges so they remain easy to read.
2017 Goals
2017 VSC Boat Smart From The Start (tri-fold brochure)
CA NV & UT VSC Requirements by Vessel Length
2017 VSC INFO Flyer
2017 VSC Announcement
Condensed revision of California Boater Card handout Rev. 04/17
Safety Check Manual (M16796.8A) October 2014
Supplement Diagram to help clarify
“BACKFIRE FLAME CONTROL ADJUSTERS (46 CFR 25/58)” for Vessel Safety Check Manual (M16796.8A)
COMDTCHANGENOTE 16796: Changes for
Vessel Safety Check Manual (M16796.8A)
USCG Auxiliary Facility Vessel Requirements
For 2018
San Francisco Bay Area and Delta Clean Boating Maps
Free Map Order Form:Pump Out Guide of Marinas in the Bay and Delta
USEFUL LINKS - Organizations Focus on Recreational Boating Safety
Safety's Sake"
National Safe Boating Week
May 19 - 25, 2018